MY BABIES - Toto, Alex, Spirit (who just had eye surgery)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week Eight Reflection

Web Evaluation

This was a fun exercise. The testmaker was my first adventure into the wilds of producing a test in something besides Microsoft Word (MW). I liked the way it worked, but I think it was a little difficult to get the formatting correct for my taste. I have more flexibility in MW, but it is more time consuming. I am not sure whether I will use it or just go MW once I get a job. I did like the way it spit out an answer key to go with the test. I really liked the puzzle maker. These are the types of things that can make learning fun. I only wish that the puzzle could be made bigger. I have worked with rubistar once before in adifferent class. I like how easy it is to produce a rubric. However, I look at everything from a math perspective, and as such, I still question what value it has on a math test. I could certainly understand it's use on say a project or something along those lines, but on a test, the question is either right or wrong. The only inbetween is a calculation error. So while I understand the need for the exercise, I will wait and see what my fellow math teachers say. Ther is not much to say about the web evaluation - it was pretty much straight forward. I picked a web site that I found during an exercise in my very first graduate class. I still think this is one of the best math help sites available. No to trackstar. I previously took a class for special needs children, where we did an assignment similar to this in that the object was to develop a reference list. I will say that the use of trackstar make accessing the sites much easier than using a sheet of paper that has been filed away.
I was able to get all of the assignments to open in the post, although my web evaluation takes forever to open - I keep thinking it has locked up, and then poof - it opens. It took me a number of attempts to get trackstar to work - i assume it was because I was trying to save it as a complete webpage. Once I tried a .mnt file, it worked right away. Now if I can just get them through blackboard.

1 comment:

  1. Kenneth,

    I agree with you that rubric is not for everything, especially not for a test which students get right or wrong answer. However, no matter what subject you teach, you may have some kind of activity where your students will be evaluated by some criteria. Then the rubric will be there. I am glad that you made your projects linked. I am sure that you learned a lot from this experience. Great job.
