Question 1. What is a computer virus and how is it transmitted? What can you do to protect your computer?
The textbook defines a computer virus as “a program written specifically to disrupt computer operations and/or destroy data”. While easy to understand, it is not technically correct. A better definition comes from which says that a computer virus is “a program that is designed to replicate itself by copying itself into the other programs stored in a computer. “ It is the replicating part that makes it a true computer virus. Malicious software, commonly called malware, is actually what most people think of as a virus. Malware includes true viruses, adware, spyware, trojans, worms, rootkits, and any other malicious or unwanted software. Viruses can be benign, another term for harmless, or they can be malicious, a term meaning to have a negative effect. An example of a harmless virus is the “Stoned” virus, which put the words “Your PC is now Stoned” on the screen upon boot-up. More harmful programs can cause a program to operate improperly, can destroy data, or corrupt a computer’s memory.
Viruses are created by lowlife, despicable, reprehensible, repugnant scum-suckers who have nothing better to do than create mischief and damage people’s lives. I believe that once caught, they should have their limbs torn from their bodies, and be beaten with them. Then the real pain should be inflicted. You can probably tell that my former business was struck by the work of one of these perverted individuals. It shut us down for three days and cost the business over 20,000 dollars. Well enough about my personal beliefs, back to the questions.
Computer viruses can be transmitted in a number of ways. The most common way today is through e-mail attachments. Someone, see above description, who wants to send out a virus, sends out an e-mail with an infected attachment. The subject line sounds innocent enough, so you open the message, and your computer is infected. They can also be transmitted by visiting infected sites on the internet. This is called “drive-by” infecting. Upon visiting the site, a download is automatically performed without your knowledge, and the virus enters your computer. Instant messaging attachments are also prominent virus distributors. Finally, they can be transmitted by using infected floppy disks, CDs and USBs.
The best and most prominent way to protect your computer is to install anti-virus software on your computer. There are many different brands, and some are better than others. Research and determine which brand of anti-virus software is best for you. Once installed, update frequently. It is also advisable to have anti-spyware, and anti-adware installed if it is not part of the anti-virus software. Installing a firewall is also adviseable. While a firewall does not identify or eliminate a virus, it will notify the user if an unknown program tries to access your computer. The final method is called user intelligence. Do not open attachments on unknown e-mail or IM messages. Be smart when web surfing. Avoid sites that are known for virus infections. Do not click on advertisement banners. And finally, scan EVERY downloaded file, and every disk/USB before opening.